How Lord Vishnu got married Goddess Lakshmi

Indra(Lord of the Devas) is the king of the Heaven and the ruler of the other Gods. So all this got into his head and he became arrogant and disrespectful to others.


Whenever Indra felt like going out of the kingdom, he would occasionally travel on Airavatha(beautiful white elephant).One such time when Indra was traveling on Airavatha, he met Sage Durvasa(powerful sage) coming from the other side.As he was immersed in meditation most of the times, he had enormous yogic powers within him.However he had one drawback. Sage Durvasa got angry exceptionally fast and also cursed people often.Sage Durvasa while traveling the world had found a fragrant garland. The flowers of the garland never faded and remained fresh always. He was carrying the garland with him when he met Indra coming on Airavatha.


Sage Durvasa felt that Indra being the King of Gods should be given the garland.On seeing Sage Durvasa, Indra curtly greeted the Sage without saluting him. In those days, it was customary to salute the wise and learned sages, giving them due respect.Sage Durvasa however did not get angry at this. He handed over the garland to Indra. 

Indra took the garland and placed it on Airavatha’s head. The aroma from the garland was so strong that Airavatha took the garland from his head and flung it down.


Looking at this Sage Durvasa got angry.Indra hastily got down from Airavatha and rushed forward fell on the sage’s feet to prevent the sage from cursing.Sage Durvasa wagged his fingers angrily, with his blood red eyes and cursed.So Indra could feel his power being drained. He imagined that the other Devas were also facing the same thing.

Indra called a council of the other Gods,explained his encounter with Sage Durvasa.Realising this,Asuras started torturing Devas.Due to the lack of powers ,they could not win over the Asuras.So they decide seek help from Brahma.

As all Devas reached Satyaloka(Brahma's place) for help,Brahma said he is helpless to solve this issue but suggested to seek help from Lord Vishnu.

Now all the Devas went to Vaikunta and met Vishnu.Vishnu went to Indra and said with twinkling eyes. 'I cannot help you. Only the Asuras can help you now...'

Indra jerked his head up. The other Gods looked at each other and at Vishnu wondering whether they had heard it right. Even Brahma looked a little confused.

Vishnu held up his hands, Indra was indeed a good leader, who thought through everything...'Patience my good Indra. Do you know the secrets that are hidden within our great Ocean.The Amrita has to be churned out of the ocean. For that you need a churner. Mount Mandara will be your churner.'

Indra however understood. They needed the help of the Asuras to break the mountain and take it to the Ocean. However he had another question.

'My Lord,' Indra bowed, 'The rope for churning the ocean?'

Vishnu smiled, 'Ask Vasuki the snake God to be the rope. Promise his share in the nectar, I think he will agree.'

Indra saluted Vasuki and told him about the Devas and the Asuras planning to churn the ocean and that they needed a rope.

Now while churning  beautiful Goddess Lakshmi came out. She looked so beautiful that the Devas and the Asuras stopped churning and simply gazed at her.

In those days, it was custom for a woman who is of marriageable age to choose her own husband. This was called as 'swayamwara'.

All the Devas, Asuras and Gods were waiting for the Goddess to choose.Goddess Lakshmi saw all the assembled Devas, Asuras and Gods. She studied Dark God Vishnu with his beautiful twinkling eyes and mischievous smile.

She smiled once and garlanded Lord Vishnu, choosing him above all the others.

Thus with great pomp and show, Goddess Lakshmi married Lord Vishnu during the churning of the ocean.
