My Love , Shree Krishna Part 1

 My Love , Shree Krishna Part 1

Ever Since I was a child I had been observing a fast on the occasion of Janmashtami , back then I observed  the fast just for the sake of it never understood its importance now when I reflect back on it I feel that I had unconsciously developed a fond for Lord Krishna.My love for him is infinite and the coming articles I will lay down things, quality, points that made me believe into him and compounded my love for  him.

I just feel that birth of Lord Krishna represents that no matter how strong the wrong is ,It will always be destroyed by the good .There is a reason why I feel so attracted to him , In life we always look for a template whether its in a personal relationship or professional career for example if certain events occur then only its correct irrespective of  person’s   situation but Lord Krishna redefined it.Princess Draupadi , unknowingly was told to be shared between the five Pandavas by Kunti ,Their Monther .Any female in that situation would have stayed at her father place for the rest of her life , give  up on life or would have chosen the option of marrying either Arjun Or Yudisthir as suggested by Pandavas and their mother  .But She didn’t chose  either of these conventional options , Since if she had  decided to stay at her father place , it would have lead to a lot of insults to her father at that time and if she decided to marry one of the Pandavas the rest of the Pandavas  would have to take up celibacy .So to avoid all of this she decided to marry all the the five Pandavas this was a big decision to make as this was consider a sin and was unconventional for a woman to be in relationship with five men.After being aware of Draupadi’s decision , everybody declared it as “Adharma” including Pandavas and her father.

Due to this Draupadi started questioning her decision that is when Lord Krishna came to her rescue and reaffirmed that whatever she had decided was the right thing to do.Draupadi on hearing this asked krishna will it be right decision for other women too Krishna said no this is right only and only for you and for your situation because when you took this decision you were considerate of other people’s life. This is how you tailor your decision for your life judging and analyzing your situation and not what other's think you should do ideally.This what Lord Krishna taught us and this the primary reason that made me fall in love with him.
