
My Love , Shree Krishna Part 1

  My Love , Shree Krishna Part 1 Ever Since I was a child I had been observing a fast on the occasion of Janmashtami , back then I observed  the fast just for the sake of it never understood its importance now when I reflect back on it I feel that I had unconsciously developed a fond for Lord Krishna.My love for him is infinite and the coming articles I will lay down things, quality, points that made me believe into him and compounded my love for  him. I just feel that birth of Lord Krishna represents that no matter how strong the wrong is ,It will always be destroyed by the good .There is a reason why I feel so attracted to him , In life we always look for a template whether its in a personal relationship or professional career for example if certain events occur then only its correct irrespective of  person’s   situation but Lord Krishna redefined it.Princess Draupadi , unknowingly was told to be shared between the five Pandavas by Kunti ,Their Monther .Any female in that situation w

Ramayan and Mahabharat

Ramayan and Mahabharat are undoubtedly the two most important and popular epics of india .Almost Every indian is familiar with them as they either watched them in TV or is hearing about them since their childhood through their grandparents , parents as stories and learnings on how one should lead their life .The reason for them being so popular and important is that they talked about family , difference and disputes within them which quite relatable to common people . Their existence is said to be back when Buddhism culture was increasing its roots ,the sanyas(renunciation from material life) tradition was growing day by day. The wise people at that time felt that there will be an imbalance created in the society if everybody would turn a monk so to revive the importance of family life ramayan and mahabharat were composed in form of a stories as a solution .Also there were many learnings from vedas and upanishads that were difficult for a common man to understand so they needed to be c

Why Lord Vishnu took Matsya avatar

  Lord Vishnu had pledged that he would appear every time someone threatens the existence of humanity. He had vowed that he would take an avatar on earth to restore Dharma by uprooting Adharma. Once there lived a demon named Hayagriva. He was the son of Sage Kashyapa and his wife, Danu. People hailed sage Kashyapa for being a boon to humanity, but Hayagriva was the exact opposite. The demon was chosen as the Danav Raj (king of the demons). And his sole motive was to stop the humans from becoming more powerful than the Danavs . Hayagriva wanted to establish the Danav clan as the most superior one. Therefore, he made several attempts to disrupt the progress of the human class. And after learning that Lord Vishnu had handover the four Vedas to Lord Brahma, he decided to steal them to stop the sacred texts from reaching the humans. Hayagriva succeeded in stealing Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda from Brahmaloka.  Brahma knew that the people on earth will not be able to make

Why Lord Vishnu took Kurma avatar

Lord Vishnu had pledged that he would appear every time someone threatens the existence of humanity. He had vowed that he would take an avatar on earth to restore Dharma by uprooting Adharma. Lord Vishnu incarnation of Kurma Avatar starts with curse of Sage Durvasa to Lord Indra that all Devas power will be drained.At the same time ,Asuras started torturing Devas.Due to the lack of powers ,they could not win over the Asuras.So they decide seek help from Brahma.Bur Lord Brahma suggested to seek help from Lord Vishu.Now all the Devas went to Vaikunta and met Vishnu.Atfer reaching all Devas ask help from Lord Vishnu,so He suggests to SagarManthan(churning of Milky ocean) to get amrit and regain the powers. He suggested the Devas to ask Asuras for help in lifting the mountain, in exchange to offer a portion of the nectar of immortality that would ensue from the churning. Both the parties agreed to the pact and started to churn the ocean using the serpent Vasuki as the rope . Now to do Saga


Jai Shri Krishna, Shree Krishna the supreme god, was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu .He was a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity .He was born in Mathura (Today a city in Uttar Pradesh) to Devaki and Vasudev from Yadava clan.Shree Krishna’s birth day  is celebrated as “ Janmashtami ” or “ Gokulashtami ‘ as he was born on the ashtami of the Krishna paksha of Bhadrapad month.His Birth Story represent the victory of love over arrogance , justice over injustice . Kansa stole the throne of Mathura from his father Ugrasen who was a benevolent king.Kansa started harassing the people of mathura ,meanwhile his sister Devaki  married the Yadava prince Vasudev .Kansa learned that their eighth child would destroy him and therefore he decided to kill devaki when they entered the kingdom of mathura to seek his blessing.Vasudev pleaded to kansa to not kill devaki saying that he would handover their child to him after their birth. After every child’s birth Kansa would kill that child .Befo

Lord Krishna and Sudama's friendship

Jai Shri Krishna!!! Today on Friendship’s day would like to tell you a beautiful and emotional story of friendship.It is said that Lord Krishna and sudama were  best friends. They met at the ashram of Guru Sandipani, to receive trainings to become future warrior and rulers. After receiving all the training, Sudama was saddened at thought of having to leave his best friend Lord Krishna.Soon they had to seperate their ways, Lord Krishna went on to become the king of dwarka and lived with his family .On the other hand Sudama was living a very poor life with his family.Sometimes he would not even have the food to feed his children.Once his wife asked Sudama to seek help from Krishna .At first Sudama was hestitant to approach Lord Krishna For Help but for the sake of his children he decided to visit the Lord for help.In India there is a  custom that you don’t go to someone’s house empty handed so he took puffed rice with him. When Sudama reached Lord Krishna’s Palace the guard stopped him,

How Lord Vishnu got married Goddess Lakshmi

Indra(Lord of the Devas) is the king of the Heaven and the ruler of the other Gods. So all this got into his head and he became arrogant and disrespectful to others.   Whenever Indra felt like going out of the kingdom, he would occasionally travel on Airavatha(beautiful white elephant).One such time when Indra was traveling on Airavatha, he met Sage Durvasa(powerful sage) coming from the other side.As he was immersed in meditation most of the times, he had enormous yogic powers within him.However he had one drawback. Sage Durvasa got angry exceptionally fast and also cursed people often.Sage Durvasa while traveling the world had found a fragrant garland. The flowers of the garland never faded and remained fresh always. He was carrying the garland with him when he met Indra coming on Airavatha.   Sage Durvasa felt that Indra being the King of Gods should be given the garland.On seeing Sage Durvasa, Indra curtly greeted the Sage without saluting him. In those days, it was customary to sa

The Story of Lord Ram's Exile

Dashrath , the king of Ayodhya was a excellent warrior and had the ability to fight in all ten direction simultaneously .His name Dashrath got derived from “ das ”meaning “ ten ” and “ rath ”meaning “ chariot ” .King Dasrath had three queens named Kaushalya,Kaikeyi and Sumitra but none of them were able to conceive a son.Therefore King Dasrath seeked help from sage to perform Putrakameshti Yajna .Towards the conclusion of the yajna,Lord Agni handed over a pot of Kheer(Rice pudding) to King Dashrath for his wives to eat so that they can conceive son after eating it.Queen Kaushalya and Kaikeyi ate the kheer once but Queen Sumitra ate the kheer twice . Therefore Queen Kaushalya gave birth to Lord Ram ,Queen Kaikeyi gave birth to Bharat and Queen Sumitra gave birth to two sons Laxman and Shatrughan.King Dashrath was very elated after birth of his four sons .Soon,The son’s grew up to be responsible prince So, King Dasratha Decided to Crown his eldest son Lord Ram as the next king of the Ayo